Santa sits on his thrown of broken presents of the naughty. It was time for him to double-check his list to weed out the last of the naughty. This was the most dangerous time for him. The power and mental requirements took all his will and concentration. So, while he was at his most vulnerable, he had his Automitons disguise themselves as him and stand sentinel, always on the lookout for He who can not be named. Placing his guards at the gates to the nine worlds, Santa closes his eyes and lets the bionic cables be inserted into his mind. And as the flood of knowledge consumed him, the fate of the world was in the hands of the old toymakers' first creations. Rusting and barely functioning, but always loyal.
The nine worlds collectively held their breath as Santa worked his magic and his sentinels battled He, who cannot be named. Those sensitive enough could feel the rhythmic thumping in the back of their minds as the Darkness invaded their lands. This year, being placed on the Naughty list was going to have a very different meaning.
​​Are you on the naughty or nice list?

For the first time, the darkness broke through the veil that protected the lands of Santa from the invading hoards. There were no screams or guttural yells from the monsters hiding in the mist—just the barely audible sounds of tin bells jingling. The tin bells jingled, keeping the monsters in a trance as they quickly moved throughout Santa's lands. And the northern king of winter automatons fought valiantly, but their numbers were so few and they were quickly overwhelmed.
The Mechanical Heros had stood fast and held the line long enough to give the nine worlds hope. For as the last fell, Santa had updated his list. Pulling the Archain cables from himself, Santa looked out upon his lands, and his heart turned to Ice. No twinkling lights, nor did the mighty furnaces belch out cinnamon or ginger. The breadmaker's hearths had gone cold.
As Santa left his factory, he was shocked to find the yellow guard waiting for him. With a Rudy smile, he welcomed them. In his time of need, the Yellow Guard overcame the past betrayals from Santa during the Elfin War. They came to his aid to protect the realm that gave life to the other eight realms clinging to the branches of time. Santa walked over to the trunk of the world's mighty Ash tree. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head onto the tree and began his magic. The Yellow Guard sang the Eldritch songs. Those sad and forlorn tunes drew up the magic from the wells far below, giving it to Santa.
For 3 days and 3 nights, Santa chanted the words of power to the Totems of old. Finally, the connection was made with a crack of lighting, and the promise was answered. Mighty white fog surrounded the shocked Yellow Guard, but cheers erupted as the great spirit animals of old returned to these lands once more. Great animals of power, regal and noble, stood proudly nodding their heads to Santa. Santa placed his hand on his heart and bowed deeply.
It was time; Santa had to get to his slay. The monsters encircled his factory, and the last remaining shields around his slay began to fail. Santa raised his mighty golden bell and rang it in the air. As one, Santa and his army charged into the monster's line and fought their way to his slay. Slow moving, and their numbers were dwindling, but they were close now. Then the slay disappeared in the black mists of He who could not be named. And Santa lost his way. Panic tried to consume him and almost did, but then, he saw it. Unsure if it was real, but then it happened again! A soft red light glowing out in the mist that grew in strength till it burned its way through the mists, illuminating Santa. Santa wept tears of joy, for the greatest of the animal spirits had joined the fight. The Mighty reindeer held its power in its nose. So great was he that his red nose glowed with its power and might.
The light scared away the monsters, allowing Santa to make it to his slay. As the battle raged all around him, he could not help it. Stopping in front of the mighty spirit, all he could get out was thank you. Rudolph just stared down at him and then nozzled Santa before charging into the battle. With one last look at the battle, he was torn between his duty and his friends. It broke his heart, but he had no choice. He had to leave them to fight as he rode off to save the 9 worlds… just like he had during the Elfin War. Climbing in, Santa took the reins and took off.
But fear not, dear readers! For Rudolph's nose shown so bright through the dark and into the light.