Funny thing about ghosts from the past. They get restless and angry if you ignore them making them strong and mean. Poor Freddy learned this lesson when it was too late. So late in fact that the little evils of his youth grew up alongside him. As he matured so did they.
On Freddy's 18th birthday, he didn't wake to smiles and candles but esoteric shadows hidden in the mists of a strange world. In front of him was a stone staircase winding up the face of a cliff. With no other options, Freddy started to climb. With the swirling mists ebbing and flowing, he could only make out about 20 steps ahead of himself. The one time he tried to look over the side of the stairway, he became weak and had to sit on the stairs and cry. All he had seen was the grey of the mist, but it was like the old saying about staring into the void, only the void didn't stare back but reached out and tried to take him.
After a long time, Freddy gathered his wits and resumed his ascent. The mists all around him were lit by an unseen sun. He couldn't tell if it was high noon or dusk. This realization scared him, but the absolute silence of the world is what scared him the most. Not even his foots steps could be heard. When he screamed the sound died almost as quickly as it excaped his lips.
The higher he rose, the more vivid the memories of his past became. All those little things he did that shaped the man he now was weighed him down. And with a final step, he found himself at the summit where the black twisted Shapes of what he had let fester.
Without a word, the creatures moved without moving and devoured him.